Pending Bid Results

Numerous OGCA contractors have requested that the OGCA address the timing issue related to the announcement of bid results.

Historically, the bids were opened publicly and the results posted within 24 to 48 hours of the close of said tender, even if the results were unofficial. The construction industry fully understands buyers of construction want to ensure that they are performing their due diligence in order to properly assess a bid submitted by a contractor on any particular tender.

Unfortunately, the common practice for many organizations has moved away from this traditional norm and the bid results are taking upwards of fourteen (14) days to post the closing results. In some extreme cases, procurement people note that they will announce the results within ninety (90) days. This situation is not acceptable.

The posting of bid results being artificially elongated to any timeframe beyond 24 to 48 hours serves to further compound the issues of the timelines for the awarding of tenders.

Consequently, this is something entirely within the control of all organizations and which can be easily remedied to alleviate uncertainty and allow contractors to move on to other bids easily. All organizations have options on this matter and should incorporate a form of prequalification to satisfy themselves that they are attracting the contractors with the desired experience on the project in question.

Once that action has been incorporated it is simply a matter of publicly opening the bids and communicating the standings immediately. The three bidders that are most favourable are noted and the industry fully comprehends that their full compliance needs to be validated. The OGCA is not suggesting that organizations deviate from the latter position, but instead actively communicate the unofficial proponent within a 24-to-48-hour period.  This simple action will openly communicate standing and thus general contractors will assess their likelihood of receiving the award immediately. This allows for the contractor to then turn their attention to other projects and may increase the number of bidders on subsequent tenders since they are no longer uncertain as to how they have performed and how much they can extend themselves. Therefore, timely communication on this regard is key to raising the interest of contractor to bid projects.

The OGCA is communicating directly with buyers of construction and taking a concerted effort to communicate this position to the entire construction network. This will provide construction a focal point of reference and hopefully immediately reset the posting of bid
results from 24 to 48 hours.

Should anyone want to discuss pending bid result periods, or if you require any assistance from the OGCA, please contact me directly at or via phone at 905.671.3969.