OGCA Launches “The Generals Den” in Partnership with Aon

The OGCA is helping general contractors assess innovative solutions to industry problems to help members navigate the construction technology market.

Low productivity and a low digitization rate in the construction sector have sparked an influx of new technology. Owners, developers, contractors and subcontractors are increasingly turning to the latest technology, including imagery, wearables and advanced software, to mitigate risks. Technology has the potential to make a profound impact on the construction industry in areas like productivity, safety and design risk. But general contractors are often hesitant to adopt solutions due to the cost and time constraints needed to assess the efficacity of solutions available.

In response to this need for more information, the OGCA Innovation Committee and Aon have developed “The Generals Den” to profile and assess different construction technology. Using Aon’s proven assessment criteria, general contractors and insurance industry professionals can determine the efficacy of solutions and form recommendations for general contractors of all sizes. Recommended solutions will be published on the OGCA and Aon websites, with a profile of the technology addressing its potential and identifying how it could disrupt the way general contractors operate. Our goal is to raise awareness about leading construction technologies that could help increase productivity, reduce risk and improve design on-site to educate our members and improve the industry.

For OGCA members looking to participate in “The Generals Den,” please get in touch with Erich Schmidt at erich@ogca.ca.